About Signature
The name ‘Signature’ is one of the most illustrious and evocative in the Bowers & Wilkins canon. Every Signature model has had its own unique identity and at the same time, every model has been connected to its predecessor by several common threads: no-holds-barred performance, unique, distinctive beauty and special-edition exclusivity. Signature is a level above the best. This is us perfected.
Crafted. Honed. Perfected.
Expertly crafted, diligently honed and optimised for perfection. The 800 Series Signature models build on the pioneering foundations of our most advanced range of loudspeakers. Refined technologies, timeless design and unique characteristics combine for a pinnacle loudspeaker. The 800 Series Signature models are loudspeakers like no other. They are the culmination of Bowers & Wilkins’ enduring dedication to performance and elegance.
805 D4 Signature
The 805 D4 Signature standmount loudspeaker is compact and powerful. It features fully optimised technologies, including that all-important Diamond Dome tweeter and Solid Body Tweeter-on-Top. It’s proof positive that small can still be beautiful.
Solid Body Tweeter
The latest incarnation of our iconic Solid Body Tweeter-on-Top housing features an elongated form with a longer tube-loading system and an all-new design of tweeter grille that has been optimised to produce an even more free and open sound with high frequencies. As before, the carefully decoupled housing is milled from a single solid block of aluminium to better resist resonance.
Reverse Wrap cabinet
Instead of a flat-fronted speaker with a curving back, our cabinets are formed from one continuous curve, finished off with a spine of solid aluminium. Fewer joins make for a stiffer, more inert structure, and a curved front means less baffling around the drive units. So sound dispersion is improved, and cabinet reflection is reduced.
Continuum™ Cone
Thanks to its composite construction, the Continuum™ Cone avoids the abrupt transitions in behaviour that can impair the performance of a conventional drive unit. The result is a more open, neutral performance that delivers voices and instruments with precision and transparency.