About Signature
The name ‘Signature’ is one of the most illustrious and evocative in the Bowers & Wilkins canon. Every Signature model has had its own unique identity and at the same time, every model has been connected to its predecessor by several common threads: no-holds-barred performance, unique, distinctive beauty and special-edition exclusivity. Signature is a level above the best. This is us perfected.
Crafted. Honed. Perfected.
Expertly crafted, diligently honed and optimised for perfection. The 800 Series Signature models build on the pioneering foundations of our most advanced range of loudspeakers. Refined technologies, timeless design and unique characteristics combine for a pinnacle loudspeaker. The 800 Series Signature models are loudspeakers like no other. They are the culmination of Bowers & Wilkins’ enduring dedication to performance and elegance.
801 D4 Signature
The 801 D4 Signature is an optimised version of our most advanced loudspeaker. It features meticulously evolved technology, carefully crafted design and unique finishes that culminate in the pinnacle of performance. This is Bowers & Wilkins 800 Series Signature flagship loudspeaker.
Turbine Head
Hear the sound, not the cabinet. Bowers & Wilkins all-aluminium Turbine Head is a phenomenally stiff and inert housing for the crucial midrange cone, carefully damped to avoid unwanted resonances and decoupled from both the bass enclosure and the tweeter body. The result? The most realistic midrange sound yet.
Biomimetic Suspension
Sometimes, making a big difference takes unconventional thinking. For decades, we thought nothing could improve on the sound of our famous yellow Aramid Fibre midrange cones, but eventually, our Continuum™ Cone technology changed our minds. Now, we’ve turned our attention to another crucial element in a loudspeaker cone: the fabric spider. Our advanced Biomimetic Suspension revolutionises midrange cone performance by greatly reducing the unwanted air pressure and coloration that a conventional fabric spider can generate. The result? Midrange transparency you wouldn’t believe possible.
Aluminium top-plate
Every new 800 Series Signature model has a significantly upgraded cabinet design with an all-new, optimised aluminium top section for even greater stiffness. The same design also provides a perfect mounting point for all-new Leather by Connolly cabinet detailing, with luxurious full-grain blue leather for our Midnight Blue Metallic models and full-grain black leather for our California Burl Gloss models.